10 Stores That Offer Free Grocery Pickup
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Grocery pickup is a wise way to save the extra costs tacked to your order through delivery and shipping fees. Simply order items on the app or website, and grocery employees will pack all your items and notify you when they're ready.
What's more, some of the stores highlighted below offer curbside service to help you save the time you'd waste wandering around the compound looking for items packed in brown papers.
Although some stores charge hidden fees, here are some with free pickup services.
- Kroger
Open the Kroger website or app and fill your cart with everything you need from the store. Then select the pickup store and preferred time. An associate will bring your groceries to the designated parking spot once you arrive.
- Target
Target has been rolling out the “Drive Up” service since 2019, and customers like it. Just shop via the app or website and wait for a notification when your order is ready for pickup. Target will direct you to a designated parking spot near the store to collect your stuff.
- H-E-B Grocers
H-E-B has free pickup services, but your order must exceed $35 for free curbside pickup. Simply fill the cart via the website or app, and you'll receive a number to call/text when you pick up your items.
- Whole Foods
Not all Whole Foods stores have the free pickup service option, but the service has expanded like crazy to keep up with the soaring demand. You must be a Prime member and buy items exceeding $35 to qualify for the free service.
- Walmart Free Pickup
The cool part when shopping at Walmart is that your items will be ready for pickup after a few hours if you place your order before 10 a.m. Shop via the walmart.com/grocery website or the app and indicate the pickup date and time.
- Giant Eagle
If there's a Giant Eagle grocery store in your neighborhood, let personal shoppers pick high-quality items for you and pack them in your vehicle on pickup. Orders items straight from the app or website and find them ready at the designated spot.
- Publix
Publix collaborated with Instacart to take the hassle out of grocery shopping. Customers need an Instacart app or account to enjoy the pickup and curbside delivery service.
- Safeway
Safeway Driveup & Go program involves online shopping and employees loading items to your trunk during pickup. The grocery store also lets you choose alternate items when your preferences are out of stock.
- Sam's Club
You need a Plus membership at Sam's club to enjoy the unlimited free curbside pickup. Besides, those with Plus membership can pick up orders anytime from 7 a.m., while Club members must wait until 10 a.m.
- Albertsons
Albertson also has the DriveUp and Go service that lets you pick up items in as little as 4 hours. Fill your online cart via the app or website with items exceeding $30 and collect your stuff at the designated area and time.
Enjoy Free Pickup Services Use this list to identify the grocery store near you and rip the benefits associated with free pickup. Be sure to compare item prices online and in-store to avoid the hidden fees that come with online shopping. Also, check for the delivery services to weigh on the most effective and economical shopping option.
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